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Welcome African customers to Henan Secco to purchase polyacrylamide

2024-05-10 19:04:54

Recently, our factory welcomed a number of high-profile guests – a customer representative team from Africa and Israel. With a strong interest in the production of polyacrylamide and cooperation expectations, they made a special trip to Henan Secco production site and conducted an in-depth and detailed investigation of our production line.

During the visit, customers were deeply attracted by our advanced production equipment and exquisite technology. They stared at every operation of the production line, asked questions from time to time, and carried out warm and in-depth exchanges with our experienced technical personnel. The technical staff explained the polyacrylamide production process, unique technical characteristics and strict quality control system to them in detail and patience, so that customers have a clearer understanding of the excellent quality of the products.

The relevant person in charge of our factory enthusiastically introduced the company’s development history, brilliant achievements, product advantages and the grand blueprint for the future to the customers. In the process of listening, the customers nodded frequently and expressed sincere admiration and appreciation for the strong strength and broad development prospects of our factory. They said that through this visit, not only have a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of our factory, but also full of firm confidence in cooperation with our factory, after dinner communication process, we reached a preliminary intention of cooperation.

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