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The selection of anionic polyacrylamide is particularly important for sand washing and beneficiation industries

2023-02-22 10:24:46

anionic polyacrylamide

When anionic polyacrylamide special for sand washing is added in the process of dehydration, single particles in the suspension are easy to aggregate, form heavy aggregate and settle quickly. It’s the upper level clarifier. In order to achieve good flocculation effect, high molecular weight anionic polyacrylamide for sand washing should be added to accelerate flocculation. This technology should be widely used in the current sand washing and mineral processing industry.

The selection of anionic polyacrylamide is particularly important for sand washing and beneficiation industries. If the selection is not correct or the dosage is too large, the negative charge concentration of sand surface will increase, the settling speed will decrease, the agent will not reach the expected effect, and the cost will increase. The wastewater with high sediment content is mainly the wastewater of sand washing plant. In addition, the Yangtze and Yellow rivers are treated with slightly higher levels of sand as production water. Polyaluminum chloride is used to treat high concentration sewage by coagulation precipitation. Mainly through polyaluminum chloride, suspended matter in water and precipitation particles lose stability, forming small alum flowers, slowly precipitate. Then add pam anionic polyacrylamide, so that the alum formed in the water condensed into a larger floc, accelerate solid-liquid separation and rapid settlement. Generally speaking, the treatment effect of high molecular weight anionic polyacrylamide is ideal, molecular weight is 16 million /18 million, not only small dosage, but also good treatment effect.

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