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Different ionic high purity polyacrylamide products are suitable for different water treatment links

2023-01-10 14:53:16

PAM mainly plays flocculation in water treatment, mainly used in all kinds of sewage treatment or drinking water treatment, in the face of a variety of different water quality today, we should pay attention to the different types of high purity polyacrylamide applicable to different properties of raw water, and a type of high purity polyacrylamide products can be treated with raw water, in the use of high purity polyacrylamide, Laboratory tests should be carried out in advance to determine suitable for high purity polyacrylamide product models, not blindly buy a large number of.

My company’s high purity polyacrylamide production technicians after years of practice found that sewage treatment industry, even belongs to the same industry, the sewage discharge is also need different models of high purity polyacrylamide products to treat, can not blindly use the same model of high purity polyacrylamide products, even different regions, Temperature difference may lead to the use of high purity polyacrylamide product model changes, so we should buy high purity polyacrylamide products in the early stage of the laboratory test to determine the appropriate type of high purity polyacrylamide. Different ionic high purity polyacrylamide products are suitable for different water treatment links, anionic high purity polyacrylamide products are suitable for flocculation and precipitation of pollutants in sewage, suitable for sludge dehydration links.


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